
You would be really welcome to come to one of our Sunday meetings.  We are trying to run our church in a way that helps everyone to feel at home, even if you have never been to church before.

We have special groups for children, for more info click here

A typical Sunday morning looks like this:

10.15 Tea and toast is served, we think it’s great to hang out with the church family, so most people arrive before the meeting starts to have a drink and some toast and catch up on whats happening in each others  lives

10.30 More people arrive and spend about 5 minutes grabbing a drink and getting a seat in the Gym.

10:40 Someone welcomes everyone and explains what is going to happen for the next hour. We might sing a song or two to remind each other of some great truths.  These first 20 minutes are designed for all the family, with special things for the kids to do.

11:00 Children (who want to) go out with our team of experienced leaders. For more information have a look here.  The rest of us listen to the Bible being read, followed by teaching from that bit of the Bible. Afterwards, there’s usually a chance for comments or questions.

11.30 After looking at the Bible we will spend some time responding to what we have heard, we will often sing.

11:45 The end! Though we will always hang around afterwards for another drink and a tasty snack.  After a while we will tidy up and go home to have some lunch.  If you don’t have any plans you will always be welcome to join us for lunch.

If you want a bit more information about what happens or what to expect when you come for a visit get in touch with Peter or check out Common Questions section.